Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Six Ways to Reconnect as a Couple After Childbirth
It is completely normal to feel exhausted and wanting to disengage from time to time when you enter motherhood. One can face postpartum challenges even with their partner and with approaching intimacy as new parents. Read on to know about how you can work together as a team and focus better on your relationship during the trying post-pregnancy phase.
Five Ways to Protect Your Marriage During the Postpartum Period
Studies show that the first 3 years after babies were born, a whopping 2/3rd of parents experienced a significant drop in their relationship quality. Being with the baby was so sweet but being together as partners turned bitter causing a significant increase in conflict in your realtionship.
Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome and its Impact on Your Personal Life
As life-altering as experiencing trauma in your relationships is, it should not prevent you from experiencing intimacy and romance in the future. Learn about the various ways relationship trauma manifests itself and how to deal with it in an informed manner.
8 Ways to Support a Family Member with Depression
With around 5% adults suffering from depression according to the latest World Health Organization estimation globally, depression is one of the most common mental health disorders that humankind grapples with at present. Learn how to mindfully help a family member who is struggling with it.
Importance of Early Attachments in Adult Relationships
No human can survive in isolation. Our childhood experiences play a major role in determining the quality of our adult life and the way we connect with others. Find out how the attachment patterns formed as a childshape your future relationships.
Connect with your spouse in the busyness of Fall
One suggestion is to be intentional in planning time together with your partner. This doesn’t have to be daily, and it doesn’t mean taking hours out of your weekly schedule. Planning small pockets of time to sit together, talk (not about work, kids, pets, or schedules) is deeply important. Spending even ten minutes daily sitting quietly together, can be significant. You might want to create a boundary that you only want to know about your partner. Sitting with, listening, touching, and empathizing with your partner (and them with you)…these are almost like micro-moments. Their effect is powerful, however.
Grandparents Day Reflection - Kimberlee Bateman
Grandparenting and parenting in tandem requires a certain skill set that no one ever talks about directly. There is a dance between being a support to your children while advocating for your grandchildren’s best.
How Trauma Affects Your Sexual Health
Since the conception of sexual behaviors and performance are all rooted in the brain, mental well-being has a direct correlation with these intimate aspects of our lives. On this World Sexual Health Day, learn about what trauma is and how it impacts your brain and creates obstacles in your sex life.
Your Guide to Difficult Conversations
We often tend to avoid talking about complex or sensitive subjects, which can negatively affect our relationships with friends and family. This leads to deep-rooted misunderstandings with the passage of time. Find out about how to mindfully broach such strenuous subjects with those close to you and resolve conflicts with ease.
3 Simple, Time Saving Ways to Connect with Your Partner
Sometimes when your “to do” lists feel unending, the idea of connecting with your partner can feel like one more thing on that list. You would love to just float away to some tropical island and have unlimited time to focus on your relationship, but when you wake up to a blaring alarm, complaining kids, or a snoring partner, the reality of life sets in. You go from task to task only to discover you are two ships passing and some days you might start to wonder, is this is all there is?
Do You Have to Share Your Emotions in Order to Have a Good Relationship With Your Partner?
You are not alone if the thought of sharing your emotions brings up some fear or frustration. One reason sharing deeper things about yourself can be so challenging is that you might feel you are opening yourself up to either intimacy or judgment.
Navigating Your First Christmas as a Couple
Perhaps this is your first Christmas with a new partner or as a married couple, and you’re wondering, how’s this going to go? The thought of sharing the holidays with a partner or spouse could bring up a myriad of emotions – excitement, relief, anxiety, curiosity, gratitude, sadness… you name it! Read on for some helpful tips for how to manage your time (and emotions) as a couple this holiday season.
I’m married and I’m so lonely
How did this happen? How did you go from feeling like this person was your soul mate to wondering who the hell you’re looking at. You’ve gone from talking for hours on end to exchanging brief conversations where you don’t really talk about anything, let alone know them and what they’re going through right now.
It’s awful. It’s discouraging. It’s scary. And it’s so lonely.
You, Your Partner, and Your Relationships Part II
Learning what healthy love, attachment and relationships look like in a safe and ongoing context can help you adjust your attachment style.
How do you know if your relationship has come to an end?
So how do you know if your relationship has come to the end? Or if you continue to commit to it? There is no simple way of figuring this out – there is no handbook or miracle question you can ask yourself or your partner. But there are cues and signs of a healthy versus unhealthy relationship.
How Can You Be Present with Your Teenager?
The teen years can be such a challenging stage in your child’s (and your) life! Body changes, friend choices, academics, athletics, social media and technology stress, mental health…the list could go on forever! Teens are at such a formative age. Their brains have years to go until they’re fully ready for adulthood. Yet, they are trying to figure out their identity NOW!
How do you connect with our teen when they are navigating all of this?
Extending your Family: tips for building relationship with your partner’s parents
Oftentimes the relationship with in-laws is portrayed as difficult, strained or awkward. Though there is no one-size fits all approach to building and maintaining a relationship with your in-laws, here are some strategies that might help you communicate, set boundaries, and build connections!
Do Family Dinners Support Mental Health?
A Canadian study conducted through the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine researched the correlation between family dinners, communication and mental health in 26,069 adolescents. They found a positive association between the frequency of family dinners and emotional wellbeing, prosocial behavior and life satisfaction.
10 Date Night Ideas
We’re here to help you find ways to go deeper, feel more connected, and have some successful date nights. Here are 10 different suggestions for date night. Some are free, some are cheap, and some require a bit more effort or money. We hope that they help you find something to inspire you to get out on a date and connect with your spouse in a different way.
How to support someone who is being abused
You have a sense that these important people in your life may be experiencing abuse, but you aren’t sure where to start, or how to support them. This article provides you with some Do’s and Don’ts in helping someone navigate an abusive relationship