Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Five Ways to Protect Your Marriage During the Postpartum Period
Studies show that the first 3 years after babies were born, a whopping 2/3rd of parents experienced a significant drop in their relationship quality. Being with the baby was so sweet but being together as partners turned bitter causing a significant increase in conflict in your realtionship.
Navigating Affair Recovery
The process of affair recovery can be an emotional roller coaster including feelings of betrayal, confusion, guilt, shame, anger, grief and sadness. It is possible that both partners desire to repair the relationship. Here are some steps to take.
3 Tips for Improving Communication in Your Relationship
I’m going to make the guess that you ultimately want to remain connected to your partner. That you don’t want to ever feel alone or forsaken by your partner, even during a fight. That you want to be partners and friends - not adversaries.
How can you have healthy boundaries in your marriage over the holidays?
You want this year to be better. For you, for your partner, for your kids. This year just has to be better. You’re not sure how, but the blurred lines that can be cause for communication breakdowns, ruptures (unnoticeable as well as very noticeable), and disappointment…you just don’t want them to steal from your holiday season.
How Trauma Affects Your Sexual Health
Since the conception of sexual behaviors and performance are all rooted in the brain, mental well-being has a direct correlation with these intimate aspects of our lives. On this World Sexual Health Day, learn about what trauma is and how it impacts your brain and creates obstacles in your sex life.
How does marriage counselling work?
You may be considering couples (or marriage) counselling for you and your partner. Perhaps you’ve been together for what feels like a hot second. Maybe, you feel you’ve been together forever and the relationship is feeling a little stagnant. Conflict may be high, or it could be the mundaneness of your relationship that you’re finding makes for a feeling of being stuck. And you’re wondering if marriage counselling can work for you.
Three Ways That I can Help my Relationship Through Small Actions
You have been thinking about your relationship lately and realized that you haven’t thought about it in a while. Without intending to, you have been taking your relationship for granted and hoping that it will all work out for the best.
Relationships are like plants. Nurture them and they grow, neglect them and they start to wither and may eventually die. Small consistent actions - water, sunlight and soil or in the case of your relationship listening, communication, commitment and acknowledging perpetual concerns can help them flourish.
How Does Anxious Attachment Affect a Marriage?
If you notice that your happiness is often dependent upon your partner’s happiness, you recognize a need to be in communication with them frequently or feel panicked when they don’t return the gesture, or you notice even your behaviour changes when you feel your relationship is in any way unstable, you may have an anxious attachment style.
How Does Avoidant Attachment Affect a Marriage?
You may have found yourself wondering at times why you react the way you do, with your partner. Or conversely! You might wonder at times why your partner reacts or responds to you in ways that you struggle to understand. You know you love one another, so why do you have these “glitches” in your marriage at times?! It could be the attachment styles you each have.
Do You Have to Share Your Emotions in Order to Have a Good Relationship With Your Partner?
You are not alone if the thought of sharing your emotions brings up some fear or frustration. One reason sharing deeper things about yourself can be so challenging is that you might feel you are opening yourself up to either intimacy or judgment.
What’s it like to see a counsellor for the first time?
You’ve made the decision to get some help with an area in your life that you’ve been struggling with, but you’re a bit anxious about what counselling will look like. Lisa Catallo shares her experience of meeting with a counsellor for the first time to help answer some of your questions.
What counselling is...and is not.
You have had friends tell you that you might benefit from some counselling, but you’re not really sure what to expect. Lisa Catallo shares some information about what counselling is…and isn’t.