Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Father’s Day Reflections - Ashleigh Keizer
Father’s Day has always been a day I’ve anticipated without much emotion – you could say I was (and am!) neutral towards it. My memories and experiences are neither overwhelmingly amazing, nor terrible. Growing up, I recall this day to be full of gifting my dad with his favourites…like Pringles or Licorice Allsorts. Those snacks, to this day, remind me of my dad. (I notice a smile, even as I write those words.)
Mother’s Day Reflection - Ashleigh Keizer
Mother’s Day brings with it such a mixture of emotions, thoughts, expectations and perhaps even triggering memories. You might notice you feel light and tingly excitement – maybe you’re even anticipating your first Mother’s Day. (If so – congratulations!!) There may be a part of you that cringes a little. You’d like the day to pass without a word, without a social media reminder, without interaction with others.
How Does Avoidant Attachment Affect a Marriage?
You may have found yourself wondering at times why you react the way you do, with your partner. Or conversely! You might wonder at times why your partner reacts or responds to you in ways that you struggle to understand. You know you love one another, so why do you have these “glitches” in your marriage at times?! It could be the attachment styles you each have.
What is the Change Triangle?
The Change Triangle is a tool that can help with experiencing improved emotional health. It can support you in reconnecting with yourself in ways you may have ignored, shut down, or become even a bit anxious about through your life and past experiences.
What if your kids don’t want to come home for the holidays?
There are many reasons your kids may not want to come home for the holidays. As a parent, it’s important to recognize your role in the relationship, and that you are simply one part of their decision. Ashleigh shares some ways to help you cope with the disappointment you might be feeling.
Holiday gatherings can be positive for your mental health
Everyone anticipates, responds and reacts in different ways when it comes to holidays…or really, any social or family gathering. You may chalk it up to a dysfunctional family (everyone has a little dysfunction in there somewhere!) or the pressure that these occasions bring. And yet, these gatherings can be positive for your mental health. Let Ashleigh show you how!
How to Deal with Unmet Expectations
As difficult as they are, expectations are part of life. Everyone has them – and yet when they are not met, it can be very painful. You can become so attached to the expectation of something that you might begin to see it as reality. And when the outcome isn’t what you expected, the loss can feel very real. You and I can both undoubtedly look back over the past two and a half years and recognize dozens of moments – big and little – of disappointment.
Creating a Healthy Relationship with Your Child(ren) – Attachment Part 3
As a new or even a seasoned parent, you might wonder how to be a perfect parent and make all the right choices for your kiddo. Spoiler alert: you won’t. And that’s okay! You won’t be a perfect parent. Please know, none of us are! The great news is that the research shows that you only need to make the great, wonderful, healthy attachment and relationship choices about 30% of the time, to raise a securely attached child.
You, Your Partner, and Your Relationships Part II
Learning what healthy love, attachment and relationships look like in a safe and ongoing context can help you adjust your attachment style.
How to help your child get back to routine
You are back to that alarm-setting, lunch-packing, routine-following moment. You have anticipated this for a little while now, and you are ready for some structure in your days. Here are some practical tips to make the shift back to routine easier on you and your child.
Understanding Your Relationships Part 1
Relationships are such interesting things! You need them! You need those individuals you call “your people” or “your tribe”. You have likely shared some of your best wet-your-pants laughter with them. You’ve also probably shared some darker times. Maybe your people are the ones you always go to first. Yet, they may say things or do things at times that make you react in ways that even you find hard to understand about yourself!
Why Are You Not Looking Forward to Fall?
The summer has flown by. You wanted all those relaxing, bucket-filling things because the Fall is hard for you. It’s strange and a bit disheartening because everyone you know loves Fall.
This can leave you wondering why you might not be looking forward to the Fall. Yet the Fall can be triggering for some people.
How do you manage your expectations of summer break?
How do you navigate your expectations of summer break and enjoy, or even soak the most out of, these few precious months?
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness may almost be counterintuitive to what you know and how you live or experience your days. Your to-do list is a mile long every day and you never get it all checked off. How on earth are you going to pause your day to be…mindful?! So what is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is not a magic cure-all pill. Though, I do believe it can be healing to all!
How Can You Be Present with Your Teenager?
The teen years can be such a challenging stage in your child’s (and your) life! Body changes, friend choices, academics, athletics, social media and technology stress, mental health…the list could go on forever! Teens are at such a formative age. Their brains have years to go until they’re fully ready for adulthood. Yet, they are trying to figure out their identity NOW!
How do you connect with our teen when they are navigating all of this?