Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
- ADHD 2
- AEDP 1
- Acupressure Massage 1
- Acupuncture 8
- Adult Relationships 2
- Adults 1
- Affairs 1
- Anxiety 12
- Art therapy 1
- Attachment 7
- BPD 1
- Balance 1
- Barriers 1
- Boundaries 4
- Children 8
- Christy de Jaegher 1
- Chronic Illness 1
- Clinical Counselling 2
- Communication 4
- Community Connections 5
- Concussion 1
- Conflict 1
- Coping Tools 7
- Counselling 25
- Counselling for Men 2
- Couple Counselling 10
- Culture 1
- Cupping 1
- DBT 1
- Danleigh Sokerov 1
- Depression 2
- Direct Billing 1
- EMDR 4
- Effectiveness 1
- Emotions 1
- Family 5
- Fathers Day 3
- Finances 2
- Forgiveness 1
- Friendships 1
- Gender 1
- Getting Started 1
- Grandparents 4
- Grief 2
- Gut Health 1
- Holidays 6
- Holistic Nutrition 16
- Jamie Johnson 1
- Kimberlee Bateman 1
- LGBTQ+ 1
What is counselling like?
When you picture going to a counsellor what comes to mind? Laying on a couch? Crying uncontrollably the whole session? Maybe you picture it being hard work because of the things that you need help with or have been putting off for so long. So what is counselling actually like?
Each therapist has their own unique way of running their sessions, but at Panorama Wellness Group there are some key core elements in how the counselling process works.
How does anxiety show up for first responders?
As a first responder, you are taught to control your emotions while facing difficult situations. You are also taught to be strong, to diffuse high conflict circumstances all while being stoic. And then at the end of shift, you are expected to go home and be a loving father, mother, partner, friend and live life as if nothing happened during your shift. Over time this can affect your mental well-being causing anxiety to show up in your daily life.
Community Connections - Fort Sport & Family Physio
Finding someone who understands pain and how it affects the whole of you is important as you seek out physical healing. That’s why one thing that stood out to me from our conversation with Fort Physio was that Robbie talked about how pain and the aftermath of an injury are already so isolating, that his team wants to help you know that you aren’t alone, and that starts with how and where you get your treatment.
What does trauma look like?
As a hairstylist, you hear a lot of stories about your clients’ lives. We want to help you help your clients, and to be able to recognize when something they’re talking about might need more help than you are able to provide. This article speaks to what trauma is and how you might understand it.
Parenting in an Emotional Time
During this time, we are all experiencing emotions in an environment and situation unlike any other. Each of us is trying to manage our energy levels to keep moving through our days. We are also in a time when parents are struggling to control their emotions and still support their children. So how in the world are you, as a parent, supposed to support your children and help them with their emotions?
Concussions and Depression
Depression and concussion have much in common and can certainly co-occur; they are also both valid struggles for which you can access support and treatment. Alongside your doctor, and other rehabilitation specialists, like occupational therapists and counsellors, you can build a plan that works for you in your recovery journey.
Six Types of Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries exist in many different areas of our lives, and yet we tend to think of them just in a relationship with friends and family. Today we share some information on six different areas that you might want to consider having some boundaries so that you can have a healthy and authentic relationship with yourself, others and things.
How to Set Goals for the New Year (and any other time of year)
I love goals. I think they’re important; they can help us navigate difficult times, help us make positive changes and give some structure to our lives. However, you do not need to set them just because the calendar year changes. Goals are the most likely to be successful when you are ready to commit to them and take them on.
How to Understand Your Limits and Communicate Them to Others
Knowing your limits and becoming comfortable communicating these can allow you to take care of yourself and enable you to feel more in control and grounded in situations that arise. Caitlin shares how to recognize our daily limits, or tolerances, and communicate them to others.
Learn how to set Healthy Boundaries in January 2021
You know that you need some healthy boundaries in your life, but you’re not sure where to get started. Learn more about the Building Healthy Boundaries Group that Lindsay Ries is running January 2021